Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Always be my Bestfriendever :)

Whats the meaning of bestfriend? no. Seriously. What is bestfriend to you? What is the definition of bestfriend? It’s up to you.. best friend in my definition is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you trust, Someone you can count on when your down to pick you up someone who won't give up on you if some one threatens them to.

Tante gue pernah nanya sama gue.. “Cut kamu punya sahabat gak?” gue jawab, “punya made” tante gue ngomong lagi “beda ya sahabat sama teman baik itu, itu beda jangan di samain” gue jawab “iya tau kok made beda gak usah di ajarin lagi bukan anak sd lagi kali cut nih hahahah” terus tante gue nanya lagi “siapa sahabat kamu?” langsung di pikiran gue melintas nama milaaaaaaaa, gue jawab